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PITA represents the ICT sector in Palestine and follows the following strategy:

Strategic objectives: PITA’s strategic goals are:

  • Positioning Palestine to capture a competitive niche within the emerging opportunities in the global technology market.
  • Enabling the ICT sector to provide technology-enabled solutions to key economic sectors.
  • Creating a business-friendly environment conductive to the natural growth of local innovation and attraction of MNC operations.

Based on the aforementioned vision, there are three main strategic objectives. Positioning Palestine to capture a competitive niche within the emerging opportunities in the global technology sector is the first strategic objective. In the context of Palestine, this refers mostly to increasing the human capital skills and value of the IT outsourcing companies in order to provide a competitive advantage and fulfill the demand of global multinational companies seeking outsourced human capital. The second strategic objective is enabling the ICT sector to provide technology enabled solutions to key economic sectors. This objective highlights the importance of digital transformation of key sectors such as health, education, and agriculture through innovations in AgriTech, HealthTech, and EduTech, among others. E-governance can also play an important role in this strategic objective. The third and final strategic objective is creating a business-friendly environment conducive to the natural growth of local innovation and attraction of MNC operations. This largely refers to creating a business regulatory environment that incentivizes MNCs to open operations locally in Palestine, but also increase investment into the sector, and make it easier for locals to open new businesses, fail, and innovate.

The outcomes include:

  • Improved competitiveness of the Palestinian IT outsourcing market.
  •  Growth in the presence of global technology actors in Palestine.
  • New innovative products, solutions, or services developed in each of the key sectors (health, education, agriculture, manufacturing).
  • Measurable improvement in ease of doing business in the Palestinian ICT sector.
  • Improved local R & D capacity.